Campbell spoke with Vanity Fair about what she’s learned throughout her career, what inspires her, and what she hopes her legacy will be.
Vanity Fair: How exactly do you teach someone how to be a model like yourself?
Naomi Campbell: It’s not even about teaching how to be a model. It’s just like for me, it’s for anyone that just wants to know how to be for themselves. It’s not really about wanting to be a model. That is what I do, obviously. But I did this not to discriminate against anyone really – it’s for all and everyone.
When you first started out with modeling, who did you look to and what other models inspired you the most for your career?
I couldn’t afford magazines, so I couldn’t spend all my pocket money on magazines. But for me I was inspired by dance, because dance is what I learned my whole school school life and theater arts is what I studied. So I just kind of incorporated my dance movements into what I thought was model poses. And I think that Steven Meisel has been someone who’s helped to mold me in showing me how to pose and how to be and how to move your body and how to stand. And all of the photographers I’ve worked with in my career at that point have guided, shaped, and molded me.
I find that you have a level of confidence that is truly like no one else. With this MasterClass, you’re teaching more than just modeling, but how does someone get that confidence to have to be able to apply it to the things that they are doing?
For me, I’ve always said it, whether you have the confidence or not, you just appear to have it.
So fake it til you make it?
Yeah, for real. But you have to go with the correct intention from you of what you’re doing. And I’ve never been about showing off myself. It’s each time and each designer or brand I work for, I try to understand their way of work and their look and essence and try to incorporate that within me and bring that out of me.
How did this MasterClass come about? Was this something that you always wanted to do?
NC: and I met many times. We met many, many, many years ago. And when I was in L.A. and we spoke about it when he first started the master class series and you know everything has its timing in life. And so it came together now.
You’ve mentioned that this class is for everyone, and it is not specific to fashion and modeling, what are the key takeaways?
To feel comfortable in own skin. To know that each and everyone has that something special that they have to bring out and enhance and to lean on it. And to find their narrative that explains them and just be them and don’t erase who they are, because that is what makes you, each and all of us an individual.
How exactly did you get to that point, is that something you feel like you were born with or always had?
I respect a lot of people, but I never wanted to be somebody else or emulate anyone else. I’ve always wanted to be my own true self. And I think the people that know me know that about me. And you know that’s part of maturing in life, isn’t it?
How do you hone in on not letting what other people do cloud your judgment or the way you go about making decisions and going after your goals and dreams?
Even with your mistakes, it’s fine. You made that decision. It’s your decision. Of course, you can take advice, but at the end of the day, it’s you and your instinct and you; your inner self that makes the decision and knows that you want the commitment that you are doing, that you fully understand the commitment and what you’re putting yourself to.
Were there any lessons you learned that stuck with you?
At the beginning of my career, I wanted to learn, so I was very quiet. Because I went to a theater school my whole life, listening, learning, and watching were some things that were easy for me to do. And that’s what I did. And even today, when I work, still you’re working with different talents and creatives and each and every person wants something different from you. And even if I’ve known you for 30 years, I’ll still be very quiet because I want to understand and embody what it is you want to me.
I’ve loved seeing your career evolve over the years, how do you keep reinventing yourself and how do you get it all done?
You just get it done. I’m a worker bee, not someone who sits on my laurels and it’s the same ethics of what I’m telling you – when I commit myself to something and I feel passionate about something, I do it.
And what drives that passion for you?
I come from a family of very strong women and I don’t have expectations of people to do things for me, I have to do it myself. Of course, I have people that work with me. But I need straight up honesty and advice and criticism that’s coming from an honest place. None of us are perfect human beings so I take that and I listen to that and it helps to drive me.
Have you ever received criticism or feedback that you didn’t agree with and how did you handle that?
Many times. But I just looked at it as, “okay everyone has their point of view.” They don’t understand where I’m heading to or what I want to do or where I’m going. I’m not someone that keeps hold of things, I let go of things pretty quickly and move forward.
Was there anything that you wished you would have learned early in your career that you figured out now?
No, I’m someone who’s pretty secure in themselves because this is how my journey was meant to be. I’m blessed that I’ve been doing this for over three decades, and I’m still loving what I do, and that’s why I felt it’s time to share it. And it’s still getting the opportunity to do what I do and work with all of these wonderful creatives worldwide.
Your career trajectory has spanned generations, so it’s great that you’re doing this MasterClass for younger generations to see. Is there anything that you want your daughter to learn from you as a mom and a businesswoman?
It’s just for me that she knows her culture and she knows where she comes from and, you know as she gets older she’ll get to learn more. But I’m very mindful of what I do now in respect to my culture, because I’m not going to be one of those people that’s going to jump and do something, just to tick the box. I’m not about that.
Is there anything else that you could see yourself doing or something else that you haven’t done, had modeling, dancing, or theater not been an option?
There’s plenty! And you’ll get to hopefully see them as my journey unfolds!
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